Grace Presbyterian Church
7 North Fourth Street, Martins Ferry, OH 43935
Phone - 740-633-2699 FAX - 740-633-9624
Facebook: GRACE Presbyterian Church
"Here we experience the inclusiveness as God intended the world to be"
September 15, 2024-- 10:30 AM
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor: Paul P. Todd, CP Organist: Sherry Stratton Missionaries: The Congregation
"I rejoiced with those who said, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." Ps. 122:1
Welcome & Announcements
Prelude Sherry Stratton
Call to Celebration Elder, Janice McMahon
L: Friends, we gather this day to celebrate life -
P: The life we have been given by God,
L: The life we share with one another in community,
P: The life that Jesus gives in abundance.
L: Let us be grateful for the joy of life,
ALL: And let us worship GOD.
Hymn of Praise "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" #1
Prayer of Confession of Sins and Mistakes
(Time for Personal Prayer and Reflection)
[Unison] Gracious Lord, You have taught us to trust You, but we prefer to trust ourselves. You have offered us peace, but we continue to live in chaos. You have offered us rest, but we are weighed down with our own sin. Help us to surrender our need for control, misguided self-sufficiency, and prideful arrogance. Forgive our sin. Heal our hearts. Cleanse our souls and let us find true rest in You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
The Assurance of Being Pardoned and Forgiven of our Sins
*The Gloria Patri
The Children's Sermon
Ritual of Friendship
Litany of Memorial
Hymn of Prayer "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder" #543
Morning Prayer and Lord's Prayer (Debts & Debtors) Special Music Sherry Stratton We Hear GOD's Word to Us
"Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105
Scripture Reading Mark 8:27-38 Elder, Janice McMahon
The Good News: "Bigger Than Ourselves"
Pastor Paul Todd
Hymn of Service "Be Thou My Vision" #382
We Offer Our Gifts and Lives Before GOD
"They gave themselves first to the Lord" 2nd Cor. 8:5
An Opportunity to rededicate your life & bring your offering to GOD
Prayer of Dedication of our Tithes and Gifts to GOD
Offertory Sherry Stratton *Doxology
* Blessing and Sending
* Blessing Response "Go Now and Live for the Savior" Screen
Postlude Sherry Stratton
GRACE Church is a church with a glorious Past,
An Active Present, And a Greater Future!
Come and be part of it!
*Indicates that those who are able may stand for worship.
Conclusion of Worship - Beginning of Service