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News and Announcements of

Grace Presbyterian Church


Sunday           9:20 AM Sunday School

                      10:30 AM Worship Celebration 

                         Congregational Meeting

                          Coffee Hour -  Anita & Janice

Tuesday             6:00 PM Monthly Session Meeting

Wednesday       No Bible Study this week

Thursday           6:00 PM Bible Study in the Lounge

                          6:00 PM Girls of Grace in the Fellowship Hall 

Saturday            Quarter Auction - doors open at 11                                       ========================================================

WORSHIP LEADER for October:  Elder - Kay McFarlan


Greeters Today:                       J. J. Dagan & John Kazmirski 

Greeters for Next Sunday:       Jeff Suto & Terry Stratton                                                                                                     

​​​​​​​​  Find us on Facebook - GRACEPresbyterianChurch


   Check out our website weekly for current information about our church at:     



Saturday, October 19th beginning at 11am at The Homestead Event Center.  Lunch will be available.  $5 first paddle, $1 each additional paddle.  Chinese Auction and 50-50 Raffle Drawing and 15 vendors.



Tuesday, November 5th at 6PM - Webster Hall​

Reservations needed by October 27th.  Cost of the tickets are $12 and payment is due when you sign up.







GRACE Church is an open, welcoming church where diversity is celebrated as a rich gift of GOD and where Christ is central.  We have a passion for GOD and compassion for people.  Thank you for worshipping GOD with us.  Whether your stay with us is for an hour, or a lifetime, we want you to know that here you are welcome, accepted and embraced.  We want you to feel welcome and accepted in worship and in all the activities of our church.  Each week in our service of worship, we encourage the full participation of people of all ages, especially the children as we look to experience the presence of GOD at work in our midst.  We take pleasure in having children fully participate in worship.  We enjoy having children grow up in worship.  Whoever you are or wherever you are on life's journey, you ae welcome here!





Joanie Appenzeller, Carolyn Beck, Joey Bodnar, Lynn Brykalski,  The Davies Family, Pam Fabry, Jerri Gallagher, Becky Hood,   David Konieczkowski, Keith McCrea, Marian McCrea, Donna Raimonde, Rita Randall, Debbie Rhodes, Margi Roberts, Jessica Sanders, for our Country, our Leaders, for peace.



Congregational Meeting

There will be a brief Congregational Meeting today for the purpose of addressing changes to the bylaws.​


ENJOY BOOKS will be available in early October.  Sign Up now to reserve a copy.  They are $40 each.


TRUNK OR TREAT - Christian Ed is sponsoring Trunk or Treat this year for Tuesday, October 24th from 7-8 PM.  Donations of candy would be very much appreciated.



Halloween Lock-in on Friday, October 25th - October 26th 4:00 PM - Noon​




We broadcast every worship celebration over the internet in our Internet Church.  During worship, the camera may capture your image, which will appear over the internet.  Feel free to tell your friends and relatives to "tune in" at to see and join in our Internet Church!



Open on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at 7:00 PM.  Run and managed by Pastor Myron Seals and Tari Blanchard, it offers jazz music and a safe welcoming venue for all musical artists.  Never a cover charge or a fee.  Everyone is welcome!



Re-Threads is a Mission of Grace Church.  A gently used clothing store on the 2nd floor of Webster Hall.  We will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10:00-3:00 PM and on Saturday from 10-1PM.


We could use some volunteers to occasionally provide rides for some of our members for doctor appointments.  Please contact the church office if you would be willing to be put on a volunteer list. 



The Mission Statement of Grace Presbyterian Church​​​​

Grace Presbyterian Church is a family of believers.​​​

Friendly people, supporting, strengthening one another.

Growing spiritually through prayer and the teaching of the Bible.

Sharing the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in service

To each other and the world around us.



 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹CANCER SUPPORT

​The Cancer Support Group will now be meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM.  For October the meeting is 22nd.   Margi Roberts leads this group.  If you have any question, you may call her at​ 740-633-1656.



Check out our website weekly for current information about our church at:


​Page Turner's Book Club

Meet Thursday, October 24th at 7PM on Zoom.  This month we are reading "Jesus At Walmart" by Rick Leland.  Kay McFarlan leading.

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